Kat's Blog

Kat's Blog

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Got Any Cake?

Today is my birthday. I am (gasp) 32. I can remember when I was 18 thinking thirty was the absolute end. It was sooooooo old. Now I'm 32 and I can honestly say I don't feel old. Tells you how much we know when we're 18.:-)

Today, for my birthday I plan to have pizza. Been a couple months since I had a good pizza so it's a treat for me. I am also chasing my kitty cats all over the house. I have been reading a lot too. I am currently re-reading Bite Me If You Can by Lynsay Sands. Her next vampire book is out and I am just waiting for it to be delivered. It's called Vampires Are Forever and I put up a picture of it. It's Thomas' story and I can't wait to read it.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll be back this weekend with a huge post about the many wonderful books I have been reading. I'd do it Friday but I have a dentist appointment and have a feeling I'm gonna be sore. I have a tooth that's bothering me and has been for a week so we all know that means trouble.:-) Oh well. Talk to you all later.

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