Kat's Blog

Kat's Blog

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I love snow. We've had so little this winter because it's been so mild. But today they are calling for significant snow. I am so happy. But then, I don't have to shovel snow, so for me it's not work. I have not liked this very mild winter. I love the cold weather. I absolutely love it. There are 3 reasons. First, I do not suffer from allergies in winter, though I do in all 3 other seasons. Second, bugs are in hibernation. I have a total phobia when it comes to bugs. I hate bugs and even though they are not technically insects, I still classify spiders as bugs, too. And third, you can put on enough clothes to keep warm in winter. In summer, you can't take enough off to keep cool. Even if you could go naked, you'd still be roasting.

So winter is my favorite season. And it's about time we got some winter. Summer is most likely going to be super hot this year so I definately want some winter first. Instead of viva la France, I say VIVA LA SNOW!:-)

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